Contact Katrien Verstraete
I came for a footreflexology session and discovered I had a frozen shoulder. I did some sessions of deep-tissue massage and discovered that it was also linked with my nutrition. I abandoned some specific food for a month and my digestion improved and shoulder pain reduced. I was not aware all is linked.
- Mrs. M. from Brussels
I had suffered from Crohn’s disease since the age of 18. Even operations could not bring confort. The reflexology helpt a lot in relaxing. For the first time in my life, I felt confort and could go out for more than a month. I enjoyed the conversations we had and learned a lot about food combinations, what is beneficial for me and which nutrition is best to avoid. I remain grateful.
- Mevr. Suzanne from Duisburg
Contact information
Camiel Schuermanslaan 63
3070 Kortenberg
Contact us